Monday, July 15, 2013

Liebster Award Recipient!!

After checking my email the other day I found out I was nominated for the Liebster award by Sara from Polka Dot Kinders.  I actually had to look up the award to see how I was nominated! 

Ok, so there are some rules to follow when you receive the Liebster award.  They are:

1. Link back to the blog that nominated me
2. Nominate 5-11 blogs with fewer than 200 followers
3. Answer the questions by the blogger that nominated you
4. Share 11 random facts about yourself
5. Create 11 questions for the bloggers whom you nominate
6. Contact the bloggers you nominate and let them know how to proceed

Here are 11 Random things about me.  I really am not that interesting so I hope I can come up with 11!!!! :).

1.  My husband and I were married in Vegas because I wanted to spend money on our mortgage rather than a wedding.
2.  I have three very active children, Madisyn-7 yrs., Easton- 4 yrs., and Addalyn- 2 yrs.
3.  I have been teaching for 13 years, 12 which have been in first grade. 
4.  I have been a high school swimming coach for 13+ years and after a year off I am going back to coach girl's high school this fall.
5.  I am a complete workaholic!  I get very little sleep and do not know how to relax!
6.  I have Celiac Disease and have been eating gluten free for almost 10 years now.  My oldest daughter is also gluten free.
7.  I am a very picky eater and could live on chicken and mashed potatoes. 
8.  I a state finalist for the Presidential Award of Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching.  I should find out if I am a national recipient soon!  Winners get to meet the president in Washington, DC. 
9.  We got our first pet last night- A hedgehog!!  It was not my first choice, but I have to tell you it is pretty cute :). 
10.   I have only been on Facebook since April 2013.
11.  Even though I do not cook well, my favorite reality show is Top Chef! 

Now, I get to ask 11 questions:
1.  How long have you been teaching and what do you teach?
-This coming year will be my 14th teaching.  I teach first grade and could not see myself teaching any other grade!!

 2.  What is your favorite thing about teaching?
-I absolutely love seeing the growth students make from the beginning of first grade to the end of each school year.

 3.  What is your favorite dessert?
-I usually pass up desert due to my gluten free diet, but just a simple piece of dark chocolate is good enough for me.  I usually prefer salty snacks over sweet ones.

 4.  What technology do you use in your classroom?
-I have a personal ipad that I will bring in the classroom, but other than that we have a document camera and data projector in our classrooms.  NO smartboard :(

 5.  How long have you been blogging?
-I have been blogging for almost two years now. 

 6.  Do you have a classroom theme?  What is it?
-I have had bright primary colors the last few years, but this year I am going with neon checker patterns.  I created new calendar pieces, word wall set, and table decorations.  I am excited to start something new.

 7.  What is the last good non-kids book you read?
-I have read a lot of professional development books this summer, but I am sad to say I have not read anything else.

 8.  What is your favorite children's book?  Why?
-I love all the Jan Brett books.  Her illustrations are amazing and extension activities and very engaging for my students. 

 9.  What is your must-have school supply?  Why?
-Mr. Sketch markers!!  They just make me happy when making anchor charts :)

10.  If you could travel anywhere, where would you go?
-I would love to see Europe, especially Paris.  I visited Switzerland when I was in high school, but did not get to see any other countries.

11.  Where is your favorite place to shop?
-TpT!!  Sad to say, but true.  Between products and clip art TpT is hands down my favorite place to shop. 

Here are my 11 questions for the bloggers I nominate:
1.  If you could teach any other grade what grade would you teach?
2.  If you could choose any other profession what would you choose?
3.  If you have a blog design who was the designer?
4.  Do you spend the most time blogging, on Facebook, Pinterest, or Instagram?
5.  Do you think it is easier to have more boys in your classroom or more girls?
6.  What is your guilty pleasure?
7.  What is your favorite season and why?
8.  Has your district implemented The Common Core State Standards?
9.  Do you prefer to teach reading or mathematics?
10.  What is your favorite hobby?
11.  What TV show do you watch that you are a little embarrassed to admit?

And now to the blogs I am choosing to nominate!






Well that is all for today.  I will be back in a couple days to update all of you on my trip to Door County, WI and our new addition to our family :).