We also took turns shaking dice to build our own bunny. This was a popular activity and they all took great pride in their drawings!
This picture did not turn out well, but I had numbered eggs with jelly beans in it. They had to count the jelly beans in each egg and then write a number sentence adding +1 to that number and then write another number sentence taking away -1 to that number. |
Here is a better picture of the jelly bean numbered egg activity.
We did make cute bunny clocks to go with this activity, but we did not get to the activity on Tuesday so for the math centers I had them use the large clocks I picked up at the dollar store. The concept of time is really catching on! First graders should be able to tell time to the hour and half-hour.

This was such a cute picture I just had to take a picture! Here is a flower, a mother duck, and her 6 ducklings! This math center was using pattern blocks through guided discovery to develop spacial awareness.
We started a unit on 3D shapes this week and I found this great resource created by Tina Rubie. Each student got a mystery 3-D shape and had to identify it by name as well as properties of that shape.
This activity was also from Tina Rubie. This time the students got to choose a 3-D shape and had to give clues so we could guess what shape they had.

They enjoyed this activity so much that when I asked who wanted to share every single student volunteered. What a great way to practice the properties on 3-D shapes!!
Yesterday we got a new student to our classroom. This brings us up to 21 students in our room. Please keep this in mind when sending the snack bucket to school.
We do not have school tomorrow so have a wonderful day off tomorrow! I will see you all on Monday, April 9th!
Mrs. Parker
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